Why Future Billionaire Nikola Tesla Died Penniless
Instead of reaching the heights of becoming the world’s first billionaire, Nikola Tesla, a visionary scientist, engineer, and inventor, died penniless. But how?
Nikola Tesla was a man of many talents and inventions, who had the potential to be the world’s first billionaire. He is best known for pioneering alternating current (AC), eventually leading to modern-day electricity. His innovations not only revolutionized the energy industry, but also the auto industry, robotics, remote control vehicles, and more.
Pixabay/Pexels | The very first invention of Tesla was the AC dynamo-electric motor
Tesla was born in 1856 in Serbia and moved to America when he was 28 years old. He arrived with just four cents in his pocket and a handful of ideas and inventions. A self-taught engineer and scientist, Tesla quickly made a name for himself as an inventor when he invented one of his most important achievements – the AC dynamo-electric motor.
This invention allowed electricity to be transmitted over long distances across countries and continents. It opened up possibilities of powering homes from distant power plants.
The Tragedy of Tesla’s Failure
He soon earned enough money from his patents that he could finance his own research facility in Colorado Springs, where he worked on wireless transmission of energy for free use by everyone around the world. If successful, it would have ended any need for expensive cables or power grids used to supply electricity today.
Pixabay/Pexels | Sadly, the world never got to experience the complete potential of Tesla as a billionaire innovator
Unfortunately, this dream was never realized as funding cuts shut down his project. Marconi developed a similar technology using wires instead of wireless transmission that enabled him to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909.
Interestingly enough, it was an award that Tesla thought should have been given instead due to his earlier invention of AC motors, radios, and other related technologies. Tesla continued working on other projects, such as long-range radar systems, robots, wind turbines, and laser beams.
However, none of these ventures were ever commercially viable, nor did they reach their full potential due to a lack of financial support or recognition from investors or peers alike.
Despite having over 300 patents registered under his name, Nikola Tesla died penniless at age 86 after living a life filled with scientific ambition yet surrounded by poverty and loneliness due to people’s lack of understanding of his genius inventions.
Joy Singh/Pexels | Due to a lack of finance, Tesla’s projects never reached their full potential
It’s sad that we never got to experience Nikola Tesla’s full potential as a billionaire innovator, as he certainly had all the necessary skills required for success – intelligence, inventiveness, ambition, and creativity.
Experts say that Tesla failed due to a lack of resources available at the time period he lived in. Throughout history, there have been several figures who can be considered ‘unsung heroes’ – those whose potential went unrecognized because they didn’t quite fit into society’s mainstream molds.
Nikola Tesla is definitely one such figure who sadly died without achieving what could easily have been one of history’s most impressive financial feats – becoming the first billionaire ever!